Category Archives: events

182 Grounded

Our 182 is grounded for the foreseeable future for unexpected repair work on the prop and engine. Unfortunately, shops are backed up so much that we don’t expect the plane to return to service for months. This unfortunately also means the club will not be taking any new members for the foreseeable future so that existing members have reasonable access to our 172. Check back in six months or so if you’re interested in joining.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will take place at Granite Air Center at the Lebanon Airport, 6pm, Thursday, January 19th. We will announce a new dues and rate structure, hold elections, and tell flying stories. All welcome. Pizza first then the meeting.

Annual Meeting January 17 6PM

It’s time for our annual meeting, which will be happening January 17th, 6pm, Granite Air Center, Second Floor. We have several business items to discuss and will be going over financials and plans for this coming year. We will also be electing the officers for next year.

Club visits Boston ATC

Next month, November, the club will be visiting the Boston Tracon, on two different Saturdays. This will be an opportunity for club members to meet the controllers that guide us around New England, perhaps put some faces to voices!

September Annual Meeting

Our next regular meeting in September (Thursday, Sept 21, 6pm) is a special Annual Meeting. We will be electing officers, reviewing our financial state, looking at our scheduling policies, as well as any other business that needs discussing. We will hold the meeting at the hangar with our final cookout of the year.

BBQ and GCA Regular Meeting Thursday

This month we’re having our regular meeting at the hangars with a BBQ, soft drinks, other summer foods. Jarrett Berke will brief us on ground controlled approaches. If the weather doesn’t behave, we shall retreat to our normal location at Granite Air Center.

Wings & Wheels

Join us September 24th, 10a-3p, for Wings and Wheels, a celebration of aviation and cars, at the Lebanon Municipal Airport. The event takes place at the Executive Hangars (South Hangars). The club will have its planes out and we will be there to talk to visitors about the club, flying and learning to fly. For more information on the event visit

First Fly Out!

We are finally having our first Fly Out…ever!

Destination: Rockland, Maine (KRKD)
Date: June 18 (weather alternate, June 19th)
Purpose: Airplanes, cars and food.
RSVP: Matt –

The Owls Head Transportation Musuem, right on the field of KRKD, has antique airshows and auto shows throughout the summer and has an extensive collection of transporation-related displays. On the weekend of June 18 and 19 they will host the All-American Auto Meet which promises to be fun. Details here: The museum fee is $18 (exhibits & events), free for active or retired milirary. We plan to fly out early in the morning to catch the WWI airshow and fly back in the afternoon.

The plan is to take two or three planes. Sam Lutz and Ethan Winberry are committed to going in a club plane as well as myself in my Mooney.

Both club planes will be blocked out for these dates until a few days before the fly out. If you would like to join, please email me directly ( with plane and seat preference. There are six seats open in the 172 & 182 and one in the Mooney. Flight time there is about 1:10 (in the 172, a bit less in 182 and Mooney). We plan to depart at 8amsharp, weather permitting, as the air shows are in the morning. If fog keeps us grounded, we’ll depart when we can. The museum is open 10a-5p. We’ll grab lunch in Rockland while there and fly back in the afternoon/evening.

September Meeting Agenda

Our September meeting will tackle a couple big questions that affect all club members. First, we will discuss how we are going to capitalize the aircraft. Do we have individual memberships in planes or do we have just one membership and we all share in the expenses of all aircraft together? Second, we’ll discuss upgrades to the planes. The 172 is in great shape, the 182 could use upgraded avionics. How far do we want to take this? The meeting is at the normal time, 6pm, Granite Air Center, Thursday. Hope to see you there!

Next Meeting: May 21, 5:30pm

Our May meeting will be held on the 21st, 5:30pm, Granite Air Center at the Lebanon Airport (second floor, up the stairs as you walk in).

Club meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month. The location is varies, but is usually either Granite Air Center at the airport or Salt Hill in Lebanon.