Upper Valley Flying Club is a 50+/- member Federally-recognized 501(c)7 non-profit flying club that operates year-round at the Lebanon, New Hampshire Municipal Airport (KLEB), a Class D towered airport with two 5000+ foot runways.


The club maintains two aircraft, a 2000 Cessna 172R Skyhawk and a 1978 Cessna 182RG Skylane (high performance, retractable gear). The 172s is our “local” plane, great for VFR and IFR training and can be taken for short cross country flights. The 182 is robust IFR travel plane capable of carrying four adults with luggage at 150 knots and is allowed on multi-day trips. It has an Aspen glass primary flight display with AOA and synthetic vision, ADSB in and out with Bluetooth, a new touch-screen GTN 650 WAAS navigator, and basic autopilot. All members share the same benefits and voting rights. However, access to the aircraft depends on flying experience.

Membership is granted based on aircraft and instructor availability, in the case of student members. Monthly dues are $175 and covers member liability and damage insurance. However, members are encouraged to purchase supplemental non-owned insurance to cover the club’s deductible. New members pay a one time initiation fee of $1,100 that supports maintenance and improvement of the club’s aircraft. Hourly reimbursement rates for our aircraft are here. The application form for licensed pilots is here.
We are currently at full student capacity but information about training can be found here.
Send an inquiry through our contact form.

Club events happen year round. We have a regular meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month, 6pm, at our hangars with a cookout in summer months and at local restaurants during winter months. We also have occasional safety and informational seminars. Events are usually open to non-members as well as members.